Now may our God and Father Himself, and our Lord Jesus, direct our way to you, and may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, as we do for you, so that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints. 1 Thes 3:11-13, ESV.
Imagine you live in Thessalonica, the provincial capital of Rome. One day, three men arrive, telling you about a new thing called the gospel. Along with other God-fearing Gentiles and a few Jews, you listen, learn, and become a Christian.
You show great hospitality and bring Paul, Silas, and Timothy into your home. They stay only briefly before a riot forms against them, you, and other believers. The crowd enters your house looking for them, but they’re not there.
The crowd drags you and others to the Roman authorities, accusing you and the others with you of causing trouble. It’s a lie. The best you can do is promise not to cause trouble in the future and pay a hefty fine. You return to your house to check Paul, Silas, and Timothy’s safety.
They’re safe!
So, you and the other believers use the cover of night to whisk them away from the city. So, now you and the other believers endure harassment and unfair treatment, but that does not deter your faith. The only problem is that you’ve only had a little instruction and need more.
You remain faithful while awaiting someone to come and teach you more. Meanwhile, some believers have passed away. What now?
Paul sent Timothy to check on your status. Everyone was glad to see Timothy, and Timothy sent a good report back to Paul. Paul will eventually receive more reports and is concerned enough to send another letter.
This is the first letter of two you receive from Paul, which provides further instructions on how to live the “with-God” life while awaiting Christ’s return. You read and listen to the instructions because you know their importance.
Paul’s Letter and Instruction
But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it, we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Phil 3:20 ESV.
Although written almost two thousand years ago, this letter still speaks to today’s life as if the ink is still wet. We need to know how to live as citizens of heaven as we wait for Christ’s return.
Thessalonica was a provincial capital of two thousand inhabitants. Paul, Silas, and Timothy arrived at them after experiencing shameful treatment in Philippi. But that didn’t deter them from preaching, debating, and teaching the gospel. They turned the world upside down with what they were saying.
Acts Chapter 17 records what happened in Thessalonica. The world might say it didn’t end well, but they don’t know the end. Even though they secretly took Paul, Silas, and Timothy away under the cover of night, this event did not mark the end of this little band of believers.
We will take our time reading through First and Second Thessalonians, but along the way, we will learn about Spiritual Disciplines. It all comes together richly and wonderfully.
Are you ready to learn the truth and nothing but the truth — so help you, God?
I am!
Reading Plan for 1st Thessalonians
- Greetings/God’s Final Judgment and Glory (1:1-12)
- The Great Apostasy (2:1-12)
- Stand Fast (13-17)
- Pray for us (3:1-5)
- Warning Against idleness (3:6-13)
- Benediction (3:14-18)
Reading Plan for 2D Thessalonians
- Greetings/God’s Final Judgment and Glory (1:1-12)
- The Great Apostasy (2:1-12)
- Stand Fast (13-17)
- Pray for us (3:1-5)
- Warning Against idleness (3:6-13)
- Benediction (3:14-18)
In Conclusion
Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all. II Thes 3:16
The focus of our devotion and hope is Jesus and His coming. When you go out today, look to the skies and imagine seeing Him return and hearing the trumpet sound.
Our devotion to and worship of Christ is not in vain. Remember, our relationship encompasses not only what He has done for us in the past or what He’s doing in our lives today, but also what awaits us in eternity. When He returns, He will usher us into His presence, and we will enter the place where “happy ever after” is a reality.
Let the hope of His coming strengthen and comfort you as you devote yourself to the Lord and read His Word.
May God bless and keep you!