Take a few minutes and read First Peter, Chapter 1, verse 1 to 12.
Every so often, when we approach Scripture, it’s important to understand why the Lord spoke them into existence, and who did He send it to.
Peter, one of twelve disciples, wrote this letter to believers forced to leave their families, homes, and careers because of the persecution under Nero..These were believers who once had the comfort, security, and encouragement of a community of believers. But not any more.
Who Were they?
Now that they lived among the unbelievers, it was hard to keep the faith. Who would encourage them, guide them, give them assurance and, most of all, remind them of their identity?
Peter, led by the Spirit, reminded them of they were:
- Scattered believers among unbelievers.
- Selected and destined by God, the Father.
- Made holy by God the Spirit.
- Obedient to Jesus the Lord, our Anointed Savior.
- Purified by the blood of Christ Jesus.
Who are you to read this letter?
In so many ways, Peter was writing to you and to me. We fit the description of the scattered believers. We may not live under the shadow of so great a persecution, but we live among unbelievers. Yes, we can read this letter. Believe it or not, but the Holy Spirit knew that on this day, this time, and in this place you would read these verses and believe.
So, with minds to understand, eyes to see, and ears to hear, let us grasp what our gracious Father wants us to know.
Sister disciples, may God’s grace and peace remain in your hearts.
You are not of the World
As the early Christians stood apart from the culture, so do we:
- Care for the world, but not join in.
- Love one another, but without compromising our values and faith.
- Move is quiet confidence and moral fortitude.
- Remember, we are in the world, not of it.
Certainly, we are more citizens of the kingdom of God than the United States. We respect and pray for the President, but he is not our King.
We are light in darkness, and a witness for God. Likewise, we walk with God. We carry His fragrance and know Him by name.
Remember who you are.
In God’s great mercy, we’ve been reborn into a living hope. We have a greater inheritance than the sons and daughters of men. We have an eternal inheritance held in reserve for us.
What is our inheritance?
God Himself is our inheritance.
Jesus came, lived, died, and was risen from the dead so that we might have salvation. This salvation, is more than a ticket to heaven, it is reconciliation with Father God and in this sweet reconciliation we fellowship with Him daily. Christ died to make this inheritance real.
No one can take it away.
In the secret places of faith, God’s power is active – standing watch to protect us. Through faith, God’s power is standing watch, protecting us for salvation. The enemy may threaten us or even kill our bodies, but he can never own our souls.
Our salvation is secure despite our suffering.
The world, the enemy, and even death are marked for destruction. A new heaven and a new earth will come, and there is no pain, no suffering, no heartache, no mourning, or death.
The Lord, Himself will wipe away ever tear from our eyes.
I looked again and could hardly believe my eyes. Everything above me was new. Everything below me was new. Not only that, but everything around me was new because of the heaven and earth that had been passed away… and I heard a great voice coming from the throne:
“See, the home of God is with His people. He will be among them; they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them. The prophecies are fulfilled. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; mourning no more, crying no more, pain no more, for the first things have gone away.”
Revelation 21:1 & 3-4 (The Voice).
Our Blessed Hope
Think about it for moment, this is our blessed hope, even more important, is that we have a an inheritance that will not face away. Our certain assurance and solid confidence are in the Lord and in His plans for our future.
Then stop here, for one second. Be still. Think about it, rejoice in what is waiting for you in the future.
For a little while, we will suffer. But our suffering is not in vain. The suffering tests our faith. If our faith is genuine, then Christ will receive us with joy and happiness when we meet Him face-to-face. God knows you by heart, and He will test your faith to see if it is genuine or superficial. The testing is for your good, He’s got you covered.
So, remain faithful, sister disciples, despite every trial, tribulation, persecution, or temptation. Your faithfulness will be rewarded.
Peter saw Jesus, first hand, we have not.
Peter heard the sound of Christ’s voice, we have not.
Yet, we love Jesus and believe that, by faith, we will celebrate with Him when He reveals Himself in the resurrection.
our hope, our salvation, and our inheritance is God Himself.
As a born again Christian, you have nothing to fear or be anxious about. God is with you. It is a good thing, a more excellent thing, to be in the hands of the living God. He is our ever-present help in times of trouble, the peace that passes all understanding, and the joy of our salvation in real time.
Rise up, Sister Disciple, you belong to the Lord.
Trust Him and with grateful lips praise Him for what He’s done fore you, who you are, where you are and where you will be in the future. Lift up your faithful soul to the heavens and the Lord of glory will hear your song of praise.
Continue in the faith.
Do not be discouraged.
Rest in God’s protective power to secure and keep you.
The Lord your God is with you! Amen.
What is your take away? Have you learned something you’ve learned before or did this article open some questions you need answered.
Make a comment below and share with us what you think.
Read 1 Peter 1:13-16, Our Conduct Before God (Holiness) Part One
Yours in Christ,

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