I myself am satisfied about you, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge and able to instruct one another. (Romans 15:14)

Paul left more than a few letters in the wake of his Christian life. He left a legacy—an example of what it means to obey God in what what was deposited in his soul.
We are the richer for it.
Paul, a Jew of the Jews, would have been the last person to go to the Gentiles with God’s message—the good news. But he did and encouraged us to walk in the newness of life with the same spirit. We are not ashamed of the gospel.
We are confident in this, our hope is in the Lord. He is the God of hope. He said it and it is done. From Him, we gain all joy and peace in believing. Our faith empowers us on to keep our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
Paul’s Example
Paul accepted servanthood, without reservation, to bring the good news to each one who had never heard the name. He said nothing except what Christ accomplished through him. Paul’s example was in word, deed, and the Holy Spirit. He gained his wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, like the rest of us, in companionship with Christ.
The Holy Spirit ushers us into His presence. The signs and wonders in our soul are real. We are transformed, informed, and conformed to the will of God in Christ Jesus. The same Holy Spirit that was with Paul is with us today. We deceive ourselves into thinking otherwise.
What does that mean for ordinary Christians?
What should we do?
When we walk in the Spirit, we walk with God. If we walk with God, then we are moving, breathing, and living under the shadow of His will. No more—no less than Paul himself.
The Lord prepares the genuine Christian: filled with God’s goodness, receptive of His knowledge, and with that knowledge. We’re able to instruct one another. The Word of God is etched in our soul so we can rightly admonish, warn, and counsel other believers. We, who are mature,can give practical, real life wisdom and counsel.
“Not me”, you say.
If you live the with-God life, then you live with God. It is impossible to live with God and not be in harmony with His will.
You are not ashamed of the gospel. You are a walking witness.
Trust the Lord
Trust the Lord, you have it in you to do outstanding things for the Lord. Maybe you think it has to be big things like preaching, writing, or something or other. No. That hug you give at church may touch someone who has been untouched for days or even weeks. That smile may warm another’s soul who honestly thought no one cared. In you, the light of God’s love penetrates the darkness with light. You may say something to someone that pierces their soul with the truth because deception has been their only friend.
Don’t underestimate what God is doing in, through, and because of you. Paul left a legacy. Not because he was a super Christian, but because he was obedient, and he walked with God.
Paul was confident of this, the Roman church and the future church would be able and willing to do the will of God. Christ’s followers gain goodness, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding through Him.. Our daily fellowship with Him in the Secret Place is not in vain. His word rests secure in our soul.
It is Real
This is no dream or fantasy. The with God, life is real. He walks with us and talks with us, telling us we are His own.
In this post-Christian world, there are more people than ever that have never really heard the name of Jesus rightly. They may have heard it as a curse word or some empty words from a shallow Christian. They may have seen false prophets or heard false teachers.
But someone has to carry the torch of truth and be prepared to show the Light to a dark and sin-sick world.
Is that someone you?
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.” (Romans 1:16-17
I too am convinced you’re ready to live out the with-God life every day. Now the adventure begins!
Yours in Christ,

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