Whenever I go behind closed doors in the Secret Place and open His Word, I never know what He wants to tell me, so I wait in expectation. Will it be encouragement, correction, or inspiration?
Every time, though, Scripture has never failed to touch my soul and transform my mind.
Then, He opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. Luke 24:45 NIV.
Scripture is Personal
Scripture is personal. I have hundreds of journals in the closet, the garage, the bookshelf, and the bedroom. They are eyewitness accounts of Scripture’s touch on my soul and my wonder at His tender, loving care and patience.
I opened one of these journals and found an example of how Scripture touches the soul and transforms the mind.
Scripture is true
These are the words I read:
… What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. James 4:14b NIV.
This is what I heard. What is your life, Chris?
The question lingers, touching my soul and awakening my spirit. He questions me about my life. I bow my head humbly.
I am only a mist that appears and then vanishes. Not only that, but I wonder what will remain after I’m gone. Will anyone remember me?
Scripture is Real
I reread the verse. What is your life?
The Word touched my soul, and the Truth changed my perspective in the light of His presence. What I leave behind doesn’t matter; it matters how I live now.
Sir, Father God! Here I am. May I bless you? Allow Your words to paint a picture in my soul that honors You. It may not be emotional or even profound, but make it a witness to Your good and perfect plans. Give me “faith eyes” to see Your ways and keep the footfall of my steps on the good path. If possible, set my heart to beat in rhythm with Your own, and as I breathe, allow me to inhale Your fragrance and exhale praise.
I want my life to matter to the Lord.
Scripture is life-changing
The Lord asked, “What is your life, Chris?”
So, in the quiet of the Secret Place, as God opens my understanding to Scripture, I give Him the answer to His question. “My life is Yours.”
As I enter the seventh decade of my life, I want it to matter to the Lord. I’m not asking for a revival or even a great awakening. The embers in my soul no longer flicker but are hot with fire. I’m confident my body will join the multitude waiting for Christ’s coming—waiting for that trumpet sound.
This is my life. Resurrection came, and Truth whispered, “I love you with eternal love. Trust me with your life.”
In Conclusion
Now, we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who comes from God, so we may understand what has been freely given to us by God. 1 Cor 2:12 NIV.
The way we approach Scripture matters.
Is God speaking to you? Take your time and don’t rush to read God’s Word. Allow Him to open your mind to understand. The Holy Spirit does not dwell or rest dormant in our souls. He is active, honest, and living.
It is good to hover over treasured Scripture and let it rest on your soul — seeping in the truth—no commentaries, preaching, or writing your thoughts.
Spiritual wisdom comes to the soul through Him. We know nothing unless taught by the Spirit. God patiently unwraps His Scripture like a present and imparts His wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
Trust me. Your life is valuable to the Lord. He knows that it is a mist, but in His hands, it has substance. Delight yourself in the Lord, for He is as near as the breath you breathe and as close as the beating of your heart.
Call to Action
Read these words as if He is talking to you…..because He is.
Thus says the LOD who made the earth, the LORD who formed it to establish it — the LORD is His name: “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” Jer 33:2-3 NIV.
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and help you with my righteous right hand. Isa 41:10 NIV.
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