Read I and II Peter over again.
Last Will and Testament
Peter, the Apostle chosen and trusted by Christ, was personally called to feed the sheep. We are the sheep of God’s pasture. Christ is the Good Shepherd and the Good Shepherd is trustworthy.
What have we gained from Peter’s last will and testament?
Scattered but not left alone
We are “twice born” children of God with a duty to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ the Messiah. With undeserved favor and spiritual street, we navigate our lives harmonizing with God’s will. We are scattered, like seeds, around the world, leaving the aroma of His presence.
Our wisdom, knowledge, and understanding come from a divine and intimate relationship with Father God in Christ Jesus. Our communication is clear for the Holy Spirit to come, more than alongside us but within us to guide, counsel, help, and so much more.
It’s a journey
Our journey is not in vain and our quest is not unattainable. We walk in the Spirit, strengthened to face the assault of our sin nature (self), the world, and Satan. The life we live Christ demonstrated for us when He lived, breathed, and walked on earth incarnate. He was victorious and made us victorious as well.
The assault is real, but so is His protective hand. In Him, we walk in eternal life.
Exiled citizens of the Kingdom of God
Our eyes are on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. We are being guarded in God’s power through faith until we inherit the greater treasure on earth: eternal life with God in spirit, soul, and body.
We live the with God life today, but it is merely a shadow of what will be when our salvation is complete, and we dwell with Christ in the place He’s set for us.
The journey is difficult and some will be shipwrecked. Trials and temptations will come. The terrorist of our soul hates our salvation, for at one time we were his in darkness and death. The devil will do whatever it takes to shipwreck our faith. But we are equipped with everything we need for this life as long as we continue to cultivate our loving relationship with Christ.
We are in this world, but not of it. We live in the fullness of His love. He is faithful, trustworthy, understanding, patient, kind, and true.
We will be tested. Like a teacher who tests every student, we will discover where we truly stand in the testing. We are in right standing with Him right now because we walk with Him. The with-God life is Spirit and truth. The Messiah — the Anointed One, shows Himself faithful to the faithful.
We love Him and, with great joy, we look forward to His return. Our hearts burn within us with gratitude and joy — triumphant heavenly joy.
Our Times are in His hands
Do not fear the scoffers who try to push you off the path. Do not listen to the lies told to destroy you. Brace your mind, be morally alert, and set your heart whole in the grace and mercy of our Lord.
Do not be anxious because of their false prophecies or false teaching. Turn to them a deaf and ear and blind eyes. Our times are in His hands.
Live as children of obedience to God. Conform yourself to Him and remember He is here: unseen but not unknowable. He is as close as the air you breathe and as near as the beating of your heart.
You Belong to Him
You are not your own. Furthermore, you have been bought at a great price. Your identify, and yes, your destiny, are secure in Christ. Continue to believe in Him — adhere yourselves to Him, trust Him and rely on Him. They who stumble do so because they disobey and disbelieve God’s Word. They live in fear — we live in faith.
We are forewarned and, so, forearmed to live this life with God. So continue on your journey, faithfully taking up the will and God and displaying His perfect work in you. He who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light will light your path and order your steps.
God’s will
Many before you and, hopefully, many after you, will follow closely in the footsteps of Jesus. It is God’s will that your life muzzle the ignorant charges and ill-informed criticisms of foolish people.
You are walking in God’s will. You are in exile. Not only that, but you may have been once born in America, but you are citizens of the kingdom of God by a new and eternal second birth. There’s no dual citizenship in Christ.
So, Peter leaves us His last will and testament. We are humbled by his instruction and encouraged by his words. We cast our whole care on Christ, for He cares for us affectionally and intimately. Furthermore, we will be tested and tried, like Peter. We will see the devil’s strategy to “sift us like wheat”, but the triumph of Christ’s return is merely around the corner.
In conclusion
Withstand the enemy of your soul. Stand firm — rooted, established, immovable, and determined. He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. The God of grace will keep you and guard your heats and minds in Christ Jesus.
God’s favor and peace, which is perfect, will be yours in Christ Jesus. His divine power has given you everything you need on this journey — the journey to the heart of God. The heart of God beats to live with you.
Trust the Lord. The One who adores you delights in you. Grow in Him and in the intimacy of your love relationship. He who started a good work in you will complete it. He is trustworthy. Not only that, but he who watches over you in the waking hours, watches over you with love as you sleep.
Let’s go, Sister Disciples, the journey set before us is spectacular and true!
You therefore, beloved, since you are forewarned, beware that you are not carried away with the error of the lawless and lose your own stability. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen II Peter 3:17-18 NRSV.
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