Sacred Scripture contains words that are sent to us spiritually blessed and preserved. They’re not meant to be taken softly or lightly. God’s Word helps us understand the mind of Christ. Romans demonstrates us the foundation of our faith: It is not enough to know the gospel, it must transform us. This requires our daily fellowship with the Father, in…
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Read 1st Peter 3:18-22. As Christians, we are not immune to suffering. For some, that may be a new revelation. But when we suffer, let us not forget who we are: chosen, destined, sanctified by the Spirit, in obedience and washed by the blood of the Lamb. Remember, your citizenship is in the kingdom of God – you are foreigners…
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Do You Want to be Blessed?
Who wouldn’t want to inherit a blessing? Read 1st Peter 3:8-12 and see what I mean. The mark of the Christian life and our blessing shows in our relationships with our husband, our children, neighbors, those in the church, and our those who just don’t like us. Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate…
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God’s Will in Marriage (1st Peter 3:1-7)
Next to the vow of commitment, you take to the Lord, the marriage vow is the most sacred and intimate on earth. The Lord cares about your relationship as man and wife. We are entering Chapter 3 of 1st Peter, and immediately we’re given instruction on how to behave in God’s presence – in marriage. He uses Peter to speak…
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God’s Will in the Workplace (1st Peter 2:18-25)
God’s word is perfect and effective in guiding us in how to live as citizens and employees. In many ways, we are “slaves” to the workplace, and the way we work for our employer matters—it matters to God. Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men… For it is God’s will that by doing good you…
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